Hp : 250
To Steal : Remedy, Silk shirt.
Attacks : Fire, Blizzard.
Hp : 600
To Steal : Mythril Dagger, Ether.
Attacks : Wing, Tsunami, Blizzard and Blizzara.
This is the guy causing all the problems! Time for a
littl sweet revenge!! Ignore the sealion for the moment,
and concentrate on the Black Waltz. He only has 2 attack,
both of which are pretty crap. So steal and pummel!
Now its just the Sealion (looks like Leviathan), If you
get trance Tidal Flameshould kill it straight away, otherwise
just attack a couple of times, then cure, then repeat
this until hes dead. Bring on no. 2 and 3 !!!
Items Won : Pheonix Down, Hi -potion.