You start the game as a young boy called Zidane.
You're on a ship run by a renegadegroup of thieves,
called Tantalus.The room is pitch black; before you
light the candle, pick up themoney in the top left
corner. Then go to the centre of the room and light
the candle. Seeing the light a group of people will
enter the room. Thankfully they're your mates. After
the conversation, a big man with a mask will run into
the room and challenge you to a fight. This doesn't
count as a proper fight, so steal the Mage masher
from him and attack until his mask falls off. It turns
out he is the boss, Baku! He'll challenge you when
he thinks your slacking off. The reason he's here
is to hold a meeting for the next job. It turns out
that you have been hired to kidnap the beautiful Princess
Garnet, you are under the guise of a group of travelling
performers. It's Zidane and Blanks job to kidnap the
Princess, while the others perform the play for the
queen. A cut-scene will show you the Tantalus ship
arriving in Alexander.
You will now find yourself in control of a clumsy
little Mage who has just arrived in town. It's a big
town for a little kid and he's understandably awe-struck.
A little girl runs into him, wha'ts everyone is in
such a rush. The little girl apologises and spots
that you have dropped something. It's a ticket, but
what for? She rushes off, nevermind there will be
someone around to tell you. Turn around and head back,
you will come into an area with a statue, and all
around the outside are some playing cards. Go back
into the previous alleyway, and into a house on the
right, to find many items.Leave the house and continue
up the street, on your left is a potion. Go through
the archway to see some nobles being escorted. Go
into the Tavern, they wont tell you either what's
going on. In the bottom-left corner is a Flan card,
and there is 27 gil in the little alcove on the left.
Go outside, talk to the hippaul, and next to him in
the grass is a Goblin card. People should really be
careful with they're possessions! Walk up a bit and
on your left is a man in a doorway. The ticket is
for the show. You need to get it stamped before being
allowed in. Walk to your right and read the sign saying
"Dougs item shop", you don't really need
anything just yet so don't waste your well found money.
Head up to the town centre to find the ticket both
right in the middle.Talk to the man at the booth and
ask him whats being shown today, he will tell you
that it's "I want to be your canary" sounds
good! Keep asking the choices until he runs out then,
he will tell you that it's a fake! He feels sorry
for you and gives you 3 cards. He then tells you to
visit alleyway Jack to find out how to play Tetra
master, the card game. Walk around here for a bit
finding a few items, you can play a mini game with
the girls and their skipping rope if you really want.
Now its time to go find alleyway Jack, go down the
alley next to the girls, after the sign maker has
finished being an arse, a litte rat kid will come
and talk to you. He makes a proposition for you, accept
it. Hang round for a bit, and a man will come down
the alley, maybe its Jack? Talk to him, he'll mug
you! Now the real Jack will come down, he will teach
you all the rules. Go back to the alley you were just
in, follow him round, but go in some of the houses
to find items. Go into the steeple, there is a tent
and a potion in this room first, then as you try to
climb the ladder Kupo will drop in, and Stiltzkin
will trod in to. Talk to him and select the Mognet
option, to learn about it.Save your game then climb
the ladder to the rooftops. Use The ladders to get
across the roofs. Follow the rat-kid accros the rooves
until you get to the castle walls, here you will get
to name Vivi. Now for the fireworks.
Now its time to nab the Princess, your first job
is to get the audience on their feet and you will
have a special effects battle to do this with. Just
keep using the sfx command that will do it. After
that, attack Baku and his sidekicks. Now it's time
to really show of your sword skills, use the d-pad
to swipe, block, duck and flip. Press the relevant
buttons as they come up. The more impressive you look
the more money you recieve so feel free to do it again.
Now Zidane needs to get down to the buisiness at
hand. Remember the Mage masher you stole from Baku,
now its time to equip it. You have to be careful as
Alexandrian guards are patrolling the Castle grounds.
As you run up the stairs you will bump into a girl
wearing a hooded coat, take a look at her face, before
she can say anything she's off, beating you in the
process.Infact that was actually Princess Garnet!!
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