Who the hell are these guys? They look like
jesters, and they seem to be trouble makers. After telling
the queen about the Princess's little stroll , Steiner and
Beatrix are sent to look for her. Those two are abit competitive.
You will now be in control of Captain Steiner,
he is captain of the Pluto Knights. They don't seem to be
very organised, infact they look like a bit of a joke. Follow
the knights into the changing room then kick them into shape,
then take a look at the register on the wall. Talk to Mosh
in the bottom corner before you leave. Read the letter with
him , so something amazing happens if you jump the rope
lots of times?! What could it be? Save your game then grab
the pheonix down from the corner of the room. Now you have
to figure out where the Princess has gone, go up stairs
and ask the guards. Pc plod and the blood-sucking ticks
more like - they will be smiling on the other side of their
faces when you find the Princess.
Go out side and talk to the Queen, (shes the
fat one), she will give you a silk shirt, equip it then
go into the main hallway. Check out the side-rooms and go
into the kitchen, that thing certainly qualified to be head
chef - must have eaten a lot of pies! Nobody seems to know
where the Princess is. She must be outside somewhere. Get
the Lazy soldier up off his ass, this is no time to be gazing
at your relection!! After reaching a few dead ends you will
end up at a spiral stair case. It's lucky that worked out
- theres no way you would have been able to reach the top
otherwise. Hey here she is, but shes being hassled by some
young scallywag! What the .......no!! The cut scene involves
the princess falling but she grabs the rope, then Steiner
reacts, then Zidane decides to jump but with style!!
You will now
be aboard the Prima Vista. Chase the Princess inside, Ruby
will get in your way, something tells you that she has got
the hots for Zidane! Geez the love triangles are gonna get
annoying. Finally you will be alone with the Princess, it
turns out that shes actually want you to kidnap her, if
only she told him that in then first place!! Enough
talking, the Captain will be here soon and you need a plan,
thnakfully Cinna has it all sorted. Steiner is right behind
you but dont worry, that knight has got some weired clothes
on, he looks an awful lot like Blank....
The secret hatch leads down into the Engine
room, turn the valve on the generator to the left, and then
to the right. Each time the vibrations will shake lose a
treasure chest. Go down the steps and grab the pheonix down
and pinion then run into the next room. Somehow Steiner
has managed to find a shortcut, maybe hes not completly
stupid?? Nevermind he wont stand a chance against all three
of you. Before you attack him use Zidane's detect skill
to see what he has on him, steal the silk shirt and leather
cap from him then just pummel him! Steiner gets desperate
and tries to use a Sword art move, but all he does is free
the Oglops.
The Tantalus crew sure are good actors, better
then most film stars, the audience is captivated, but that
doesn't matter beacuse Vivi is about to ruin the whole thing.
The Pluto knights chase him on stage, where he gets scared
and uses magic. The hooded girls identity is revealed, now
you've got problems! Concentrate all your attacks on Steiner,
steiner will soon fall and the knights will run off home.
Now for the real problem...the castle defences. After the
explosion on the ship, it loses power and crashes.
The Princess, Steiner and Vivi are missing.
They must hav got thrown off, which means they could be
anywhere.Talk to Mosco the Moogle to learn about ATEs (Active
time events).The Princess is in trouble, you better go find
her, find the phoenix down behind the conductor and sort
your equipment out. Along the trail you will encounter Goblins
and fangs, but not to worry they are very easy. You will
come across the missing Trio in the next area, Vivi is scared,
Steiner is facing a weird monster and Garnet is trapped
in the creature. During this battle Zidane gets Trance,
use it all up, and continue to pummel the creature. When
it retreats, it returns shortly and captures Vivi this time,
Steal items from it then just attack it. When its dead it
excretes a sleep powder which puts Vivi and Steiner to sleep.
Baku wont let Zidane go look for Garnet,
so what can he do? Firstly take the Bronze Gloves from then
chest, then go out to the stairway and you will hav 3 ATE's.
Go down the stairs and pick up the wrist from the chest.
Then talk to Blank, it seems that Vivi is recovering, so
lets go see him.Collect the Ether from the chest in his
room and the GIl from the bunk bed.
Zidane starts thinking about the Princess,
he can't leave her out there! Blank suggests talking to
the boss again, collect the Ether from the chest next door
then search the room at the bottom of the stairs for a Rubber
helm, then go into the meeting room. There's a potion in
here, talk to Baku and he will challenge you to a fight,
so go back outside and roll your sleeves up to administer
a kicking. Baku is carrying a Hi-potion and a Iron sword,
you may find it hard to get the sword, so keep attacking
him til he gets bored. After the fight go through the door
at the bottom of the screen and collect the Leather Hat.
Now go talk to Steiner, after some convincing he agrees
to come, collect the Ether from his room and then make your
way to Vivi's room.
Now equip your party with newly found and
stollen weapons, give Steiner the Bronze Gloves and Vivi
the Wrist and Silk shirt. Now Vivi can use thunder spells,
if you go back into Vivi's room you can rest before you
leave. Now leave and on the way out Blank will give you
Blank's Medicine and a note from Baku before you go.Cinna
will be waiting outside where you may want to buy some recovery
items from him. Then Save your game with Mosco,
he has a letter for you from Ruby. Now make your way
to where you killed Prison Cage, there will be a couple
of ATE's along the way, when you get to the Grassy knoll,
head left and look at the water fall, it will restore MP
and HP for you. Monty is hiding
in the tree trunk, so save your game as there is a boss
coming up. Now go to the path on the right along here you
will meet a new enemy but they are fairly easy. Then keep
going till you meet Plant Brain which has the Princess.
Boss: Plant
With the Princess free, Zidane gives her Blank's
medicine but there's more bad news, it seems all the forest
is after you, so make a run for it, and equip the guys.
Now you can fight Plant spiders if you want or make a run
for it. After a few screens it will go into a FMV of the
forest chasing you.
Blank and the rest of Tantalus have been lost
in the forest, there's nothing to do but to keep going and
find the supersoft to cure them. In the morning Monty will
come out of the forest, now in an ATE you can learn many
tips on the game. Monty will give you the Moogle flute,
you can use it at any time on the world map to save or use
a Tent (just Press SQ) etc. Dont call them for no reason
otherwise the get very annoyed (its quite funny though).
At this point you should aquip Garnet with the Wrist, the
Leather Hat and the Silk Shirt. Now you can explore the
plains for a while and level up, or head straight to the
Ice Cavern, you wont be coming back for a while so I suggest
explaoring for a bit. Vivi seems to think the Ice Cavern
will take you out of the mist, its best if you move on before
Steiner has another Benny.
There is a chest in the first room, press
X in front of the step to get it. As it's and Ice Cavern
all the enemies are vunerable to Fire attacks, so use Vivi's
fire spell and Fire Sword with Steiner. Go into the second
area, examine the area on the top of the steps on the right.
It looks like theres something behind the ice, Vivi should
be able to break through it with his magic. Grab the Ether
from behind the ice, go over to the steps in the centre
of the room, there's a hidden path just to the right, which
will take you to the chest on the left hand side, grab the
potion and go into the next room. Follow the left hand path
until the exclamation mark appears, Vivi can use magic to
uncover and Elixer. Go to the right-hand side of the cave
Zidane can climb the log to get a Potion. Then get Vivi
to melt the ice around the base of the log to get the crate
below which contains a Mage Masher.....great. Head on up
to the next area, theres a chest on your right, follow the
left hand path and ask Vivi to work his magic once more,
theres a Leather Wrist at the end of the path. Give it to
Zidane so he can learn Beast killer. Go into the next area
and take the left-hand path to come into a room with a stone
alter covered in Ice, get Vivi to do the usual. Inside is
a very ungrateful rude Moogle, take the letter and save.
Now go back and take the right path to come outside, where
everyone except Zidane passes out. Now heal and equip yourself
up, and head to the top of the screen into the next area
to find another boss awaiting.
Boss: Black
Waltz and Sealion.
After checking up on the gang, give Zidane
the mythril dagger as he can learn a new ability. Head back
to the Boss area and climb up the slopes. Now Dagger decides
to Change her name for the sake of not being caught whilst
crossing the border. Continue down the path, and you will
come out on the world map, Nolirch Heights, go to the forest
to fight a friendly enemy, or level up with enemies. Now
go to the Village near the forest.
Go into the inn and rest up in your room,
when you wake up you'll fine everyone gone. Search the room
for items, then leave and talk to the moogle, Save your
game and give him the letter. In the ATE Vivi seems to be
having trouble with the locals, why are they so scared of
him? In the second ATE Dagger tries to blend in with the
locals, hmm shes not quite there yet. Go outside for the
third ATE. Something dodgy is going on in this town, where
are all the adults? It's nice to have some spare time so
go and buy some things at the shop opposite the Inn. The
shop keeper is really into cards so this is a great chance
to get some new ones